I’m Debra VanDeventer, educator, sewist, traveler, self-published author, and blogger.
After retiring from a long teaching career, I started Seams Like a Story as a creative outlet–a place to play with words and photos as I turn small moments into stories. Though the blogging process, I discovered my love of writing and began to publish short stories in anthologies and local publications. I have published two books: Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life and Until Italy: A Traveler’s memoir. You can visit my author’s page here

Along the way, I’ve met many people like myself who want to write but find it difficult to sustain this solitary endeavor without a community. Besides, the vast amounts of information (and pop-up ads) on many online sites can be overwhelming.
Seams Like a Story is a simple, elegantly photographed site that feels like a cozy conversation with friends over a cup of tea or coffee. It’s a place where you can read articles you can relate to– stories that make you smile, think, or encourage you on your own writing journey. Each post ends with Threads of Thought , a place for you to add your thoughts and comments to the conversation.
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