Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

November 11, 2022
Yeah, we did it! Elton was coming to Phoenix and we didn’t want to miss the chance to see him for the first (and probably the last time). We snagged a couple of tickets in the less expensive section of Chase Field, ordered the appropriate Elton John sunglasses, and we’re on our way!

The stage is set

We arrived about an hour before the concert and took our seats. Did I mention we were way up here? That amoeba-shaped stage is where teeny-tiny Elton and his piano will be. Good thing there are big screens and a huge sound system set up. From our vantage point we watched the crowd file in. Many were clad in Elton-inspired costumes.
The show begins

The arena lights dim and the stage lighting floods the space in red and blue. The crowd is quiet in anticipation, then breaks into cheers and applause as we realize Elton is on stage. He pounds out his first number Philadelphia Freedom and the show begins. The music vibrates through the space and resonates in my body.
My Gift is my song, this one’s for you.

Elton is dressed in a spangled tuxedo and wearing his trademark glasses. At 75, he doesn’t levitate off of the piano seat as he once did, but his voice is remarkable and he jumps up at the end of each song to wave and connect with the audience. He plays and sings for over two hours, with only a minutes-long interlude for a costume change.

We hop and bob to the Crocodile Rock , thrilled when the band stops playing and we get to do the la la la la laaaaa part. We tear up at Candle in the Wind and Don’t Let the Sun go Down on Me. We belt out the refrain to He shall be Levon and sway with the Tiny Dancer. At the end of the show, we cheer as Elton sings I’m Still Standing while clips of his life and career dance across the big screens.
He walks off the stage, but of course, we applaude him back for an encore. He takes a bow and thanks his fans for honoring him with our presence this night and throughout his career. He tells us goobye. We hold our phone flashlights high and sway as he plays his final number Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.

Farewell Rocket Man. Thank you for your gift of music. I think it’s gonna stay a long, long time. Yeah, I think its gonna stay a long, long time.

Threads of thought
Do you have a favorite Elton John Song?
Is there a memory attached to it?