The Obsession Continues

Once, when I was newly retired and trying out novel things to do, I became obsessed. With sewing. Christmas pillowcases.
It went something like this:
Excerpt from my first book, Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life:
“Since I was retired, I could sew whatever I wanted. That’s what I was thinking when the article about the Christmas pillowcases caught my eye. With the holidays coming
up, it was the perfect project to help me brush up on my sewing skills. Off to the fabric store I went with the exact measurements in hand, eager to get started. The first pillowcase was a cute little reindeer print with a snowflake border. It stitched together in a flash and I ran to Ed’s office to show off the finished product, eager to impress him with my talent.
“Look what I made!” I bragged.
“Wow,” he said looking up from the computer.
“That’s nice.”
Encouraged by the ease of my success, I trotted back to my sewing machine to stitch up another one. The candy cane print with red checked trim was delightful. As I snipped the last thread, I ran to Ed’s office to reveal my latest creation. He wasn’t there, but
I tracked him down in the living room. “Here’s another one!” I beamed. “See how I made
French seams so that the edges are nice and neat on the inside!”
“Mmm, yeah… that’s great.” He glanced away from the television, hardly noticing my exquisite French seams. By the time I had finished the third pillowcase Ed
was not in the office or living room. I found him in the bathroom. I’m sure he was hiding from me. That’s when I realized I had a pillowcase addiction. “
Christmas 2024
I thought I was over my obsession. I hadn’t sewn a Christmas pillowcase in over 6 years. I was clean until a friend wanted me to go to the fabric store with her to check out the flannel fabric sale. There it was. Staring me in the face. Bolts and bolts of Christmas flannel. I’ll just buy a bit, I thought. The next thing I knew The clerk was measuring out a yard of 4 different prints for me.
Back at home, I looked up the directions I’d saved. Ah yes, the burrito pillow case method. (It’s a thing…Google it. ) Once again, I was in sewing heaven. Is it the textures? The jolly prints? They way it’s a quick sew? By the end of the afternoon I had three cases ready for my holiday guests.

Now seriously?! Aren’t these cute? They make me smile…
I probably should have been cleaning house , but when I told my friend about my afternoon, she said it was ‘time well spent.” She gets it.
As I write this, there are 9 more days until Christmas. You may be in the Holiday blitz, but STOP, even for a moment, and do something that makes YOU smile.

Threads of Thought
Thanks for following me here at Seams Like a Story. I hope you find something in each post to make you smile or think, or feel encouraged. I’ll see you back here in the new year!

Would you like to read more from Out of the Crayon Box? Or maybe you’d like a delightfully fun trip to Italy? You can find my books here!