Tips From a Lesser Known Author
I recently had the opportunity to participate in the Society of Southwest Authors book signing event in Green Valley AZ. Maybe you have attend such events as an author or as a customer. This is only my second book signing, so I’m still a novice but here are my tips from the SSA event this year:
Why Book Signings are Important for Authors
Whether you are a traditionally published author or self-published like me, this is your chance to meet your audience (readers) face to face. You get to make contacts with fellow authors, see what they are writing, and how they are marketing their books. For me, it is a way to become part of the literary community of writers and readers. Plus…you might sell some books!
How to Prepare for a Book Signing
Here are some basic items you will need:
- Copies of your book (obviously)
- Printed description of your book and a few published reviews
- A sign that gives the price of your book.
- Bookmarks or business cards to giveaway.
- Square device? (for accepting credit cards)
- Pens for signing (I forgot to bring these…)
- Cash to make change
- Candy bowl?
- Tablecloth for the table
- Book stand