Several years ago, I delved into a book titled: The Artist’s Way ( a course in discovering and recovering your creative self) by Julia Cameron. One of the exercises was to write a letter from your 80-year-old self to your current self. Interesting. I sat with this idea for a while and here’s what I came up with. Though I wrote this in 2022, and (yikes) I’m closer to eight-zero than I was then, I find it to be still relevant. Here’s a letter from future-me to now-me. Will I take the advice to heart?
Dear Deb,
You retired a few years ago (it’s been six years now) and I know you are trying to figure out what to do with the rest of your life. I get it. You dedicated much of your life to family and your teaching career. You probably feel like now is the time to take life easy, but I urge you to not take this time for granted.
First and foremost, keep yourself in the best physical and mental shape possible- it will pay off as you age. Keep your weight at a healthy level, eat well, get plenty of sleep, exercise, stretch and move daily. Keep up with yearly doctor’s exams and address any health issues that could limit your choices down the road.
Cherish old friends and seek out new ones. Find interesting things to do. Travel as much as you can, visit new places. Make memories with Ed, your children ,grandchildren, and siblings.
Make plans and schedules if you like–I know you will, teacher habits are hard to break–but don’t be a slave to them. Travel light. Be spontaneous. Don’t waste your precious time worrying. Live with joy, Live Your Life.
Your Future Self

Threads of Thought
This was an interesting exercise. Try it! What would your future self tell you?
(Another exercise was to have your 8-year old self write to your present self. That could be serious or funny, or seriously funny)

Out of the Crayon Box :Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life is available at: http://www.amazon.com/author/debravandeventer