A personal reflection.

“Strings of streetlights, even stoplights, blink a bright red and green, as the shoppers rush home with their treasures.” (Silver Bells, my mom’s favorite Christmas song)
I’m flying “home”, back to the Midwest for the Holidays. During the three hour flight, I try to occupy myself with a book, but my mind races to holiday plans– making my list, checking it twice, or truth be told, I’m anxious that I haven’t even started my list , or Christmas shopping, or…sigh…
I glance at my current read, which has many references to Our Town, by Thornton Wilder. In the play, Emily looks down on her former life and remarks:
“It goes so fast. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute.”
I pause, and look out the oval window at the city lights as the plane prepares to land. It’s late evening and traffic snakes along busy streets like glittering beads on a necklace. People are going home from work, or taking kids to practice, or shopping for the holidays, or picking up a takeout dinner. “Shoppers rush home with their treasures” moving in a blur from one distraction to another with the busyness we call our lives. It goes so fast and I wonder–am I noticing it, my life, or am I simply rushing through?
The plane bounces down with an abrupt deceleration that pushes me forward, then back against my seat. Lights flood the cabin and passengers hop up to collect their luggage (that may have shifted during flight). I join the throng and exit the plane, soon to reconnect with friends and family for holiday celebrations.
My luggage is fine, yet something has shifted, ever so slightly.
On the car ride from the airport to our final destination, I make a silent commitment to “realize life while I’m living it”. To try to be fully present this season, through shopping and gatherings and holiday movies and decorating. The busy days and the quiet times. To really see and love and appreciate my friends and family. Every, every minute.
It’s a precious gift I’m giving myself. A tall order. I’m going to need lots of reminders.

Threads of Thought