the world needs them

I used to think that in order to be a memoirist one had to have led an extraordinary life, and indeed there are many amazing authors out there who fit this description: Cheryl Strayed (Wild ) and Tara Westover (Educated) come to mind. But I’m an ordinary woman. Do I have a story to tell?
This week I was thinking about my latest work in progress and wondering if it was a story worth telling. When stuck, I often find inspiration from other writers. This quote from Rupta Sepetys in You: the Story grabbed my attention:
“Country life, cosmopolitan life, quiet life- all can be equally fascinating based on the writer’s perspective and the details chosen. Remember: it’s not what you’re writing about, it’s how you’re writing about it.”
Quiet life. Small moments that bloom into words. Taking readers along with me on a journey and discovering “ah ha” moments together. This. This is my voice. The voice I’m seeking each time I sit to write. It doesn’t always come easily, in fact, it rarely does, but with time, critiques, editing and revisions, I hope… I know, I will have a story worth telling.
And finally this, from Clarissa Pinola Estes:
I hope you go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you and that you will work with these stories…water them with your blood and tears and laughter till they bloom, till you yourself bust into bloom. The world needs them. The world needs more hearts in bloom.
So here’s to ordinary women, who through the magic of words remind us that all women are extraordinary! If you have a story to tell, tell it! The world needs more hearts in bloom.

Threads of Thought
What makes your heart bloom? Is there a story there?

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