Tucson Festival of Books 2025

Q and A with Indie Author Debra VanDeventer

People walking through the Tucson Festival of Books

The 2025 Tucson Festival of Books 2025 is “in the books!” It was a beautiful weekend in Tucson drawing an estimated 130,000 visitors to the University of Arizona Campus for one of the largest book festivals in the nation. This was my third time at the festival, once as a visitor, and twice to showcase my books as part of the Indie Author’s Pavilion. Many of you, family, friends, people who follow me on fb, instagram, or my blog are curious about my experience. So, in a weird sort of way, I’ll be playing the part of the interviewer and the interviewee as I fill you in on some of the questions I’ve been asked.

How did you get to be one of the Indie authors presenting at the festival?

I submitted my self-published book (Until Italy: A Traveler’s Memoir) to the TFOB Indie Author’s Committee for review by the September 15 deadline. The guidelines state that to be considered the book had to have been published within the past 2 years. The book then went through a selection process and  in December I received notice that my book had been accepted as one of the books to be featured in this year’s Indie Author’s Pavilion. I was thrilled to be given this opportunity to sign books and meet readers face to face!

What did you do to prepare for the event?

Because this was my second time to appear at the event, I was better prepared. I knew what to expect. Prior to the event, I posted regular updates on my social medial (fb, instagram) accounts. I ordered author’s copies of my books, bookmarks, and invested in a table runner with my author name and logo. The Indie tent is set up with tables and tablecloths, and allows for a small amount of display space. The table runner was a good idea because it packed well, helped my space stand out, didn’t blow down (like some larger table top displays do) and didn’t interfere with the authors on either side of me.

a table runner with the words Debra VanDeventer author

Were you successful? (This is a tricky question, but what most people want to know is did I sell any books?)

Yes! Enough to fund a European vacation? Well no, but enough to cover the cost of my registration fee and a nice dinner out. (or maybe lunch at the local sandwich shop, when you factor in cost of the promotional materials.) In all I sold 7 books at the festival and a few more online this week that might have been a result of the dozens of book marks I handed out with a QR code to my author’s page on the back. My books went home with a man from Italy (what will he think of Until Italy?), a couple that was heading to Italy in a few weeks, a fellow writer from my local writers forum, an author who knew me from facebook, an author who had written a book and was interested in self-publishing, and two retired teachers. But here’s the real payoff:

Writing, putting thoughts to paper, is a solitary act, but to be a writer you need a community. This means being there for writers, learning from those who have more experience, encouraging emerging writers, participating in critique groups and writing organizations, buying and reading books, attending workshops, and yes, celebrating reading and writing. At the Festival of Books, I truly experienced this. Friends and family came to cheer me on, and I met new people, fellow published authors, who had come from all over the country. We shared tips and celebrated each other’s successes.

Participating in TFOB gave me the opportunity to send my words out “gloriously traveling to all sorts of places” (SARK) and touching the hearts, minds and imaginations of other people….this, this is why I write. This is what success means to me.

the author standing in front of her book display at the Tucson Festival of Books

What’s next?

Another book is in the works. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is centered around my experience with the 52-Hike challenge Ed and I completed last year. Lots of nature writing, adventure and introspection along the way. This work is taking me places I hadn’t expected, and I’m curious to see where I end up. I hope to have the rough draft completed by summer, then edits, more edits, more edits, into the hands of my editor and beta readers, cover design, formatting…there’s lots for an Indie author to do, but I have a great support team, and I love the creative process. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be back at Tucson Festival of Books someday! Watch this space!

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Threads of Thought

Be part of the literary community! Celebrate reading and writing! Support local authors and local bookstores. Buy indie authors books and leave a review. Write your own stories or books. Be a part of the 2026 Tucson Festival of Books!  http://www.tucsonfestivalofbooks.org

2 Books, Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life...and Until Italy: A traveler's memoir

Missed the festival, but would still like a copy? Easy enough! Click here.