….Deb’s Dash to the finish

The thought came to me during my critique group meeting last week. I’d been plodding along with my travel memoir, wititng it “bird by bird” (as Anne Lamott says in her book by the same title), or “city by city” as was my case. I would finish a chapter every 2-3 weeks and had it close to the end. One more section to go, but I was dragging my feet. It could have easily been one of those manuscripts that ends up in a drawer or computer and never gets completed. During that meeting, I knew I wanted to see it through.
“I’m going to finish my rough draft .” I said to my writing friends. Somehow saying it out loud helped me to commit to the project. I cleared my schedule for the week (easier to do when you are retired), put on some comfy yoga pants and a tee shirt, put my phone in the other room , and told Ed not to disturb me. Except for food. I estimated around 12,000 words to finish. Can I do that in five days? Not likely, but I plan to make a significant dent in it! Here’s my 5 day progress in diary form. Wish me luck! Ready, set write!

Ed surprised me by moving his office chair into my studio to use for the week, replacing the old wooden one I usually use. Nice upgrade! I put my phone in the other room (good move by the way) and shut my door. I was afraid I would sit here all morning with no words in my head, but I’d already started an interesting chapter on Celafu (where disaster strikes) and I had lots of thoughts on how to finish it. By lunch time I’d written 1,132 words and by early afternoon I’d finished the chapter and had logged in a total of 2,208. Not bad for a first day! I treated myself to a trip to Frost Gelato Shop. (It’s research. The word gelato had appeared in my story.) Goodbye Cefalu. Tomorrow we are on to Venice!
Now I know why it’s called a rough draft. Today’s writing is slow going. Most of it is rough. Ok, maybe all of it. I struggled most of the morning trying to find the “theme” or the “point” of this piece, but I just kept writing.
Took a break at lunch and then it came to me. 1,704 words for today. Stephen King says he writes 2,000 a day. (I’m currently reading his book “ON Writing”) But I’m not Stephen King. I’m happy to have gotten as far as I did. That brings my two day total to 3,912.
Ugggh. I had a hard time sleeping last night. I woke up twice with words running through my brain. “What if I said it this way?” “I could move this part over to here.” “What about this?” Yikes. Anyway…I was finally able to go back to sleep, but then slept later than usual. Ed and I went on a nice long walk this morning (otherwise I’d be developing a chair-shaped butt) then, I worked steadily until we went out for lunch. (no starving artist here) A nice break.
Finished up this afternoon. with 1,718 words today. 5,630 total . I was able to write a fun section on “masquarade.” It’s interesting. Sometimes, I don’t know exactly where Im going until I start getting words on the page. Often it comes together in ways I wasn’t expecting.
A total of 5,630 words so far.

My fingers are aching from typing. I knew this would be an emotional challenge, but didn’t expect to injure myself in the process. Remind me again why I’m doing this?http://seamslikeastory.com/why-write-here-are-5-good-reasons/
A couple of Tylenol and I’m back in business. My theme song for today is “Unstoppable” by Sia. I’m surprised how fast time goes by when I’m writing. I almost worked through lunch. Ed had to come and remind me to eat. But I’m proud of myself. I’m a witer and for this week my writing is taking priority. Yay me! 2,103 words today… 7,733 total. Unstoppable.
Got an early start and am powering through today. I finished my chapter on Murano, and after lunch I wrote the last chapter. The very last chapter, and I’m IN LOVE with my ending (Though Stephen King says “kill your darlings”– what does he know? He hasn’t even read my ending) I cheered when I typed the final period. 10,379 words in five days!
I’m searching for the word to describe what I’m feeling right now. Stephen King says he does it for the BUZZ. This is often associated with being intoxicated (Full disclosure: I did celebrate with a limoncello spritz after I turned off the computer, I don’t recommend drinking and typing) But the word has a broader meaning.” a heightened mood characterized by feelings of euphoria, elation, and well-being.” That’s my word. Though is project is far from finished–there will still be the next draft, and the next, and the final editing– right now, I’m buzzed.

Threads of thought
What challenges have you faced in your writing or in other situations?
What word would you use to describe the feeling you get when you accomplish a goal you’d set for yourself?
Oh, and most importantly…how would you describe the “slinky” on the Masquerade Man in the picture? (this would be a big help to me-might even put me in “best seller” category)
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave you comments in the box below.

Here’s my first published book! A fun read! Take a look!
Congratulations for finishing the first draft.
Thank you so much! It’s a big step!
Yes, quite a big step. Congratulations! I love those sunglasses over your book. Only 10,000 + words? Do you think you’ll end up with more, or fewer words by the time the book is ready to publish?
Yes, the 10,000 words was what I needed to finish up my draft in a week. I had already had the majority of the book written. I know I will eliminate some words when I edit, at the same time, there are parts that will need to be fleshed out a bit. Hard to say what the finished length will be.