Tucson Festival of Books 2025

Q and A with Indie Author Debra VanDeventer

People walking through the Tucson Festival of Books

The 2025 Tucson Festival of Books 2025 is “in the books!” It was a beautiful weekend in Tucson drawing an estimated 130,000 visitors to the University of Arizona Campus for one of the largest book festivals in the nation. This was my third time at the festival, once as a visitor, and twice to showcase my books as part of the Indie Author’s Pavilion. Many of you, family, friends, people who follow me on fb, instagram, or my blog are curious about my experience. So, in a weird sort of way, I’ll be playing the part of the interviewer and the interviewee as I fill you in on some of the questions I’ve been asked.

How did you get to be one of the Indie authors presenting at the festival?

I submitted my self-published book (Until Italy: A Traveler’s Memoir) to the TFOB Indie Author’s Committee for review by the September 15 deadline. The guidelines state that to be considered the book had to have been published within the past 2 years. The book then went through a selection process and  in December I received notice that my book had been accepted as one of the books to be featured in this year’s Indie Author’s Pavilion. I was thrilled to be given this opportunity to sign books and meet readers face to face!

What did you do to prepare for the event?

Because this was my second time to appear at the event, I was better prepared. I knew what to expect. Prior to the event, I posted regular updates on my social medial (fb, instagram) accounts. I ordered author’s copies of my books, bookmarks, and invested in a table runner with my author name and logo. The Indie tent is set up with tables and tablecloths, and allows for a small amount of display space. The table runner was a good idea because it packed well, helped my space stand out, didn’t blow down (like some larger table top displays do) and didn’t interfere with the authors on either side of me.

a table runner with the words Debra VanDeventer author

Were you successful? (This is a tricky question, but what most people want to know is did I sell any books?)

Yes! Enough to fund a European vacation? Well no, but enough to cover the cost of my registration fee and a nice dinner out. (or maybe lunch at the local sandwich shop, when you factor in cost of the promotional materials.) In all I sold 7 books at the festival and a few more online this week that might have been a result of the dozens of book marks I handed out with a QR code to my author’s page on the back. My books went home with a man from Italy (what will he think of Until Italy?), a couple that was heading to Italy in a few weeks, a fellow writer from my local writers forum, an author who knew me from facebook, an author who had written a book and was interested in self-publishing, and two retired teachers. But here’s the real payoff:

Writing, putting thoughts to paper, is a solitary act, but to be a writer you need a community. This means being there for writers, learning from those who have more experience, encouraging emerging writers, participating in critique groups and writing organizations, buying and reading books, attending workshops, and yes, celebrating reading and writing. At the Festival of Books, I truly experienced this. Friends and family came to cheer me on, and I met new people, fellow published authors, who had come from all over the country. We shared tips and celebrated each other’s successes.

Participating in TFOB gave me the opportunity to send my words out “gloriously traveling to all sorts of places” (SARK) and touching the hearts, minds and imaginations of other people….this, this is why I write. This is what success means to me.

the author standing in front of her book display at the Tucson Festival of Books

What’s next?

Another book is in the works. I don’t want to give too much away, but it is centered around my experience with the 52-Hike challenge Ed and I completed last year. Lots of nature writing, adventure and introspection along the way. This work is taking me places I hadn’t expected, and I’m curious to see where I end up. I hope to have the rough draft completed by summer, then edits, more edits, more edits, into the hands of my editor and beta readers, cover design, formatting…there’s lots for an Indie author to do, but I have a great support team, and I love the creative process. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be back at Tucson Festival of Books someday! Watch this space!

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Be part of the literary community! Celebrate reading and writing! Support local authors and local bookstores. Buy indie authors books and leave a review. Write your own stories or books. Be a part of the 2026 Tucson Festival of Books!  http://www.tucsonfestivalofbooks.org

2 Books, Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life...and Until Italy: A traveler's memoir

Missed the festival, but would still like a copy? Easy enough! Click here.

Deb Speaks Out

close up of a white and pink flower

I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and speaking out. Full disclosure: this is not a political post. I will not mention “sides”, we are all in this together. The decisions being made and the changes that are occurring affect us all. This post is about coping. Finding a way to live our lives as honest, respectful, loving people in the midst of chaos.

Last week hit me particularly hard. I’ve felt anxious, depressed, hopeless, and yes, hateful. It’s Monday morning and I’ve decided I’m not going to live my life this way. I cannot continue down this path. So I decided to do something.

Among other things, I’m a writer. I use my words to help me figure things out. I’m also a former teacher and as such, I made a list, or maybe just some Monday morning musings, and I’m sharing my thoughts with you.


I’m realizing we are in this for the long haul. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and I need to make sure I’m taking care of myself. I know the drill…exercise, sleep, drink water, nourish my body. Ok, this last one may be tough. I’m a stress-eater and carbs are my go-to. Friday my critique group came over and we had cookies. I ate two that morning, then nibbled on them the rest of the day. By evening there were only two left. I finished them off with a glass of wine. So, yeah. I gotta work on that.


I’ll admit, when I get busy this often gets placed on the back burner, but now, more than ever, I need to reestablish this morning routine. This practice helps me to sort out my feelings, center myself and puts me in the right frame of mind.

Spend time in nature

This morning I took my fruit and yogurt (see? healthy!) and had my breakfast outside. From my backyard I have a glimpse of The Catalina Mountains and they have a calming effect on me. They’ve weathered wildfires and monsoon storms. “You will survive this,” they seem to say. No mountains where you live? Go for a walk in the woods or around your neighborhood. In many places, the long, dark winter is being replaced by signs of spring. Nature is telling us to have hope.

Limit time on social media, news programs, newspapers

This is tricky for me. As a self-published author, social media is part of my marketing. But, I can try to limit my time and avoid going down the rabbit hole. Maybe I’ll give myself a time limit and avoid picking up my phone when I’m bored or have down time.

I want to limit my time, but I don’t want to avoid the news altogether. I tried that for a while, creating an artificial cocoon around myself. Now I think it’s important to be informed. It’s getting harder and harder to find reliable sources, but I’m going to try to find out as much as I can about an issue before I react. Once I have the facts, the truth to the best of my knowledge, I’m going to:

Take a Stand

This is still a democracy. My voice matters and there are many ways to be heard. Instead of ranting and raving and worrying, I plan to select issues that are important to me and set aside a block of time each week to call my representatives. We elected these people to be our voice in Washington. They need to know what their constituents are thinking and their votes should reflect this.

There may come times when I will be moved to join in and hit the streets. On Saturday, a group of people made signs and gathered at Saguaro National Park to support our national parks. (Saguaro National Park here in Tucson recently announced that their visitor cententers will be closed on Mondays.)

There are ways to take a stand. Together we can make a difference.

And finally…

Seek Joy

On a recent podcast, I heard this quote:

“We cannot be a joyless people. We cannot sustain ourselves. We will not last long.”

Some days, it’s going to be hard to find joy in the midst of this chaos, but we must. Yesterday as I entered one of the big box stores, I heard l hammering and children’s voices. Following the sound, I found dozens of children and parents making birdhouses. JOY. Later, Ed and I were having lunch at our favorite pizza place (still carb-loading, I know…). When I looked out the window, I saw a man walking with his young son. They were holding hands. JOY. This morning the bouquet of alstroemeria on my kitchen counter had burst into full bloom. JOY. It’s still out there. Find it.

Thanks for reading this longer that expected post. Take care, my friends.


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This was a difficult post for me to write. My heart is racing and, at times, I was blinking back tears. Deep breaths. Click. Publish.

Now it’s time to start my week and put my plan into action. (and we’re out of cookies)

2 Books, Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life...and Until Italy: A traveler's memoir

Visit my author’s page here

The Lemonade Stand

When life gives you lemons…

a lemon tree against a bright blue sky

The news wasn’t good. The the world we live in seems to be in a constant state of crisis these days. Facts mingled with falsehoods make it difficult to discern the truth. For many months, I’ve had my head in the sand. When I finally emerged, I found the sand was shifting beneath my feet.

Besides that, I’d just returned from a trip to Chicago to visit my mother. My family is facing some challenging days ahead.

I needed to take a walk and clear my head, reset my mind, try to find something, anything positive to focus on. Cue the weather. It was a beautiful February day in Arizona. Cobalt-blue sky (No, the above photo is not filtered…that is the actual sky color as seen from my backyard) with temps in the mid 60s.

When life gives you lemons…

a box on a wooden bench with a sign that reads: Lemons, Help yourself

The box was empty. I was glad someone had taken all the lemons. This is citrus season in Arizona, and the neighborhood trees are heavy with fruit. If the harvest isn’t picked, it falls to the ground and is wasted.

I’d just reached the neighborhood playground when a young, tousle-haired boy (about kindergarten age) came running up to me.

“Want some lemonade?” he shoved a green plastic cup towards me.

“Oh, well…I didn’t bring any money with me, ” I said.

“That’s OK! You can have it for free!”

I followed the boy to the shelter house where four other children were gathered around a picnic table set with a pitcher and more of the green cups. One of them held a makeshift sign fashioned from a piece of salvaged cardboard. “LEMONADE $1.00” was scrawled in thick black marker.

An older boy poured me a glass and it was delicious! I asked if they’d made it themselves.

“Yes!” a girl said. “We saw this box of lemons and they were free and we decided to make lemonade and we squeezed the lemons and put in some sugar and water and now we are selling it!”

“We saw a lot of people taking a walk and we thought it was kinda hot outside and people would be thirsty and would want some lemonade!” The older boy said.

“I’ll tell you what. This lemonade is so good, I’m going to finish my walk, then I’ll stop by my house, get some money and be back.” I said.

A Lemonade Moment

I finished my walk with a smile on my face. Back home, I got $5 and returned to the lemonade stand. “One dollar for each of you,” I said. “Wow! Thanks!” The older boy grinned and put the money in a plastic bag that had a few other bills in it. As I was leaving, the little guy I’d first met was running up to a woman checking her mailbox. “I don’t have any money with me,” I thought I heard her say. I’ll bet she goes in and gets some. How could she resist?

So here’s what I’ve decided. I’m going to find one thing each day that makes me smile and warms my heart, a lemonade moment, to help me remember to take time to replenish my mental, emotional, and physical energy. I’m going to need it, maybe we all are, for the days ahead.

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Have you had your “lemonade moment” today? Share it with us! Let’s start a lemonade moment movement!

Meet the Author!

I’ll be signing books at the 2025 Tucson Festival of Books on March 15 from 1:30-4:30. Not local? No Worries! Find your copies here!

Hummingbird Drama

Its all happening in your backyard!

a hummingbird sitting on a shepherd's hook above a feeded
A female hummingbird guards her territory

I’ve been reading Amy Tan’s latest book The Backyard Bird Chronicles, a beautiful collection of her journal entries and her own breathtaking drawings of the birds she has observed over many years in the backyard she has curated for them. Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, and the Valley of Amazement, to name just a few, says that creating this journal was very different than writing a novel. In her words “Creating The Backyard Bird Chronicles was pure fun, spontaneous, a bit of a mess, come what may.”

I think this is a marvelous testament to living a creative life. By working on something entirely different, a writer taps into a wealth of creativity that will spill over into future works. Reading her book has inspired me to take a look at my own backyard birds.

The author holds up a kindle version of Amy Tan's Backyard Bird Chronicles.
I have the book on Kindle, but read it as a hard copy to get the full effect of her colorful drawings.

I’m not a bird expert, but armed with my National Geographic Field Guide to Birds of the Western North America, I did my best to try to identify the actors in the drama that played out in my backyard last week. (Also my pictures aren’t great…the hummers are elusive subjects, hardly ever sitting still , but forgive me and feel free to correct me if my identifications are wrong.)

The Drama Begins

A young female hummingbird, perhaps a Costa’s, has been guarding her territory around our saguaro-shaped feeder. She’s made a good choice. The feeder is near a series of dense, high shrubbery in a corner of our yard that offers protection and possibly a nesting site. When our daughter was visiting one spring, she saw a hummingbird nest there. The female hummer sits on the shepherd’s crook and surveys her surroundings, chasing after any who dare enter her domain. I notice the feeder looks empty. When I take if off the hook, she zooms past with a zing resembling a tiny light saber sound, then circles back and stares at me face to face.

Hey, its about time you refilled that. And make it snappy, I haven’t got all day, she seems to say.” Off to the kitchen I go, where I’ve prepared a fresh batch of nectar, one part sugar dissolved in four parts water. When I return, she circles where the feeder should be, dashes off while I hang it back on the hook, then resumes her guard duty. This time she sits in the neighbor’s grapefruit tree where she can see the saguaro feeder and the secondary feeder around the corner, outside my office window.

The Plot Thickens

By now, I’ve returned to working at my computer. Purple Floyd comes to visit the feeder just outside my window. He’s close enough that I can get a good look at him. I’m pretty sure he is a Costa’s. His bright purple head is iridescent in the morning sun and he has a very distinctive white cheek. He is a regular at my office feeder. I named him Purple Floyd because of his purple cap, and when he bends his head to drink, a few feathers stick up in back making him look like a rock star.

But Wait…!!!

The female has spotted Floyd and ambushes him in a surprise attack! For several minutes they zig and zag around my garden. She is relentless, and in the end, chases the poor guy away. Zooming back to the grapefruit tree, she doesn’t even stop to drink at the feeder she just conquered. For now, she’s content to have established her dominance.

a hummingbird drinks at a feeder

Later, Purple Floyd returns to the feeder, but he doesn’t perch on it. Instead, he hovers, takes a few quick sips, and takes off. He wants to avoid another confrontation. For now anyway, the garden returns to its normal state of equilibrium and I return to work, thankful that I’ve had such drama added to my mundane morning.

Cameo Appearance

a roadrunner

Ha! Look who showed up in the garden just as I was finishing this post. I guess this guy or girl will have to wait for his/her own story. Beep, beep! Is there a coyote in the neighborhood?

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Now it’s your turn. Spend a few moments, or more looking at the birds out your window, or go for a walk in the neighborhood or woods. Journal some notes, take some photos, maybe even a sketch or two. Who knows what you will come up with!

photo of the cover of Until Italy: A Traveler's Memoir. Bright turquois cover with a wild yellow suitcase travel items exploding from it

And speaking of adventure…I’m happy to announce that Until Italy has been selected to be featured in the 2025 Tucson Festival of Books! I’ll be in the Indie Author’s Pavilion on Saturday, March 15 from 1:00-4:00. See me there for a signed copy, or get your copy here!

The 2024, 52 Hike Challenge: Trail’s End

holding up the 52 hike Challenge Badge with a cactus backdrop

In a January,2024 blog post I wrote:

Christmas was over, the kids and granddaughters were on their way home. Post-holiday lethargy had set in and I was mindlessly scrolling through my phone when an ad for the 52 Hike Challenge caught my attention. I thought it might be a fun way for my husband and I to get out of our routine, get some fresh air and exercise, and spend time together.“Hey, would you like for me to sign us up for this?” I showed the ad to Ed. “Sure, why not?”

Ed and Deb, wearing winter gear get ready for hike #1

Why not? So, on January 6, 2024 , a cold and frosty morning, we bundled up for hike #1/52 along the B-Line trail in our hometown of Bloomington, Indiana.

One Year Later

Ed and Deb cross the finish line of the 5K walk

On January 1, 2025 we crossed the finish line of the Hot Cocoa 5k run/walk in Oro Valley, Arizona, with our family cheering us on. We had completed the 2024 52 Hike challenge!

During the year, with only a few repeat hikes, we walked on 44 different trails and covered a total of 104.6 miles in three states and three countries. We walked through woods, along rivers, lakes, and ponds, through many dusty desert trails, up hills and mountain tops, and underground caverns. Our urban hikes took us to botanical gardens and zoos.

While traveling in Spain and Portugal on our 50th wedding anniversary trip, we logged many miles on sightseeing tours through Lisbon, Seville, and Barcelona. (Now that I think of it…this could have been a “50 hikes for fifty years of marriage event” –plus two extra hikes!)

Along the way, we enjoyed hiking with friends and family and even made a few new friends on the trail. We pushed ourselves, and learned our limits. Favorite hikes? Experiences? Lessons learned? Meditations along the way? Yeah, it’s all in my hiking journal.

holding an open hiking journal

You knew I’d be keeping a journal, right? Raw material for book #3? Possibly. The wheels are turning…

Quilting the Hikes

Along with my journal, I wanted a creative way to document the hikes, so I’m making a quilt/wall hanging. One triangle for each hike. Right now, it’s in pieces, the triangles sewn into squares waiting to be stitched together. Seams like a story in action. Watch this space for updates on my progress!

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Thanks for following along this year. You may be wondering…Would she do it again? Would she repeat the challenge in 2025? Hmmm. I think I need to process my 2024 accomplishment first. But the bigger question…will you join the 2025 challenge? https://www.52hikechallenge.com/

News Flash!

UNTIL ITLAY: A TRAVELER’S MEMOIR was recently listed in the Arizona Daily Star’s top ten memorable books by local authors in 2024! One of ten “noteworthy titles that made a lasting impression on the reviewers.” You can get your copy here!