Why Writers Should Blog

why writers should blog is spelled out in crayon letters
I like to create my own photos in my blog. What did this former teacher have on hand? Crayons of course! (and a potted plant)

Why blog?

Why should writers blog? Blog…blog..blog. It’s a funny word (short for web log). What does that mean anway? A blog is a regularly updated website or webpage usded by individulas or businesses to reach a broader audience, connect with people, enlighten, entertain or inform. Think James T. Kirk’s Captain’s log in Star Trek, but down to Earth.

So why do writers blog?

To answer this question I turned to my writing friend, fellow author, and colleague from the Oro Valley Writer’s Forum, Diana Kinared. Here’s what she has to say:

We three authors, Diana Kinared, Sally Showalter, and Jackie Collins, collaborated on a book about our writers’ group. Our aim is to encourage writers to form critique groups with others who share their passion for words, so they can improve their skills. We learned from recommendations by mentors that blogging is a good way to get our message into the internet universe.

Tell me more about your blog, Diana…

 In September, 2022 we started our blog https://writerswrites.com hosted by WordPress to launch our book, Telling Tales and Sharing Secrets, into the marketplace of readers and writers.  Each of us blogs once a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a prompt post on Thursdays that we take turns creating

What are the benefits of blogging for you?

 I enjoy writing on a variety of subjects that relate to our book, or sometimes my daily life and the world in general. The Thursday prompt post is a nudge to writers to find different ways to approach a topic. Our blog is slowly building viewers, even some international, and book sales are increasing. I love making connections each week with both writers and readers. Their comments and emails energize me as I continue my journey of words.

Some further thoughts on blogging…

Thanks, Diana. I enjoy reading your blog and I know my readers will too! I agree that blogging is a great way for writers to reach a larger audience and connect with other writers and readers. For me, it’s also a way to practice and publish my writing on a regular basis. Some of my blog posts have generated thoughts for short stories, poems, and magazine articles. http://vandeventerd@journoportfolio

Why I blog

Last month Seams Like a Story celebrated its 2nd Birthday! What started as a means of creative expression in my retirement years has developed into a site that feels like a cozy conversation with friends over a cup of tea or coffee. It’s a place where you can read articles you can relate to– stories about writing, travel, retirement, sewing, and life in general that make you smile, think, or encourage you on your own writing journey. Each post ends with Threads of Thought , a place for you to add your thoughts and comments to the conversation. Currently I’m running a series of blogs on the subject of writing. Check out last week’s blog: Why Write? https://seamslikeastory.com/why-write-here-are-5-good-reasons/

Click the subscribe button for Seams Like a Story, and be sure to check out Diana’s blog, A Way with Words as well! You’ll be glad you did.

Star date 2.15.23……. blog entry complete….beam me up Scotty……..

Threads of thought icon

Threads of Thought

What types of stories or blog posts do you enjoy reading?

for more thoughts on why writers should have a blog post check out https://theurbanwriters.com/blogs/publishing/the-importance-of-blogs-for-authors

Out of the Crayon Box will be featured in the Indie Author’s tend at the 2023 Tucson Festival of Books on March 5th from 1:30-4:30! Check it out! http://amazon.com/author/debravandeventer

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