Book Signing 101

Tips From a Lesser Known Author

I recently had the opportunity to participate in the Society of Southwest Authors book signing event in Green Valley AZ. Maybe you have attend such events as an author or as a customer. This is only my second book signing, so I’m still a novice but here are my tips from the SSA event this year:

Why Book Signings are Important for Authors

Whether you are a traditionally published author or self-published like me, this is your chance to meet your audience (readers) face to face. You get to make contacts with fellow authors, see what they are writing, and how they are marketing their books. For me, it is a way to become part of the literary community of writers and readers. Plus…you might sell some books!

How to Prepare for a Book Signing

Here are some basic items you will need:

  •  Copies of your book (obviously)
  • Printed description of your book and a few published reviews
  • A sign that gives the price of your book.
  • Bookmarks or business cards to giveaway.
  • Square device? (for accepting credit cards)
  • Pens for signing (I forgot to bring these…)
  • Cash to make change
  • Candy bowl?
  • Tablecloth for the table
  • Book stand

How to Set up Your Table

    Find a way to add some height to your table. My brother-in-law (Thanks Chris!) made these wooden boxes that can be painted or (in my case) placed under the tablecloth. These are open at one end to nest together for easy storage and transporting.

    Play around with your set-up before you go. Think about what color table covering will set off your book cover.

    Keep it uncluttered, but if space allows you might add in some items of interest related to the theme of your book to encourage customers to stop and take a look. In keeping with the teacher theme of my book, I borrowed a spinner from a friend’s Chutes and Ladders game and devised a simple way to engage my customers with “school days” conversation starters. ( I can’t help it. Once a teacher-always a teacher) See “Threads of Thought” below.

    It’s Not Just About Sales

    I’m an author. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care about selling books. You’re going to ask, so I might as well tell you.

    1 O.N.E I sold one book.

    Now, for the record, I’ve sold more than one book on Amazon, thanks to many of you, but I’ll admit I was disappointed. I thought I was doing everything right. My table looked good, I smiled and engaged with my customers. Marketing is trickly and book signings can be fickle. Not the right venue for me? Not enough traffic? Rainy day? Who knows?

    But, towards the end of the event, a lady came to my table, picked up my book and said, “I have to have this book.” She had recently retired from a long and fulfilling career as an elementary school librarian. After sharing stories about our careers and our retirement, I autographed a copy of Out of the Crayon Box for her. Then she asked if she could take a picture of me holding the book. She wanted a photograph of the author. ME!

    Coming face to face with your audience, making a connection with a person who wants to read your words, is priceless to an author. Thank you dear readers. You motivate me to keep writing and sharing my stories.

    …and thanks to my writing group friends and fellow authors, David R. Davis and Karen Admussen for pushing me to become a better writter and making this book signing experience so much fun!
    (their books are available on Amazon)
    Threads of thought icon

    Threads of Thought

    Play my “Spin and Tell” game at home! (Ha, ha!)Roll a dice,spin a spinner or just pick a number and tell a story about one of the following:

    1. Your most memorable teacher
    2. School lunches
    3. Proudest moment at school
    4. Favorite subject/or best friend
    5. Most embarassing school moment
    6. Riding the School Bus

    Need a gift for a friend or teacher? It’s not too late to order!

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