If you are a writer it is inevitable that at some point you will be asked “Why Do You Write?” I’ll bet you’ve even asked that of yourself when the writing stops flowing, your trash bin is littered with rough drafts, and you’d really rather be doing something, ANYTHING but sitting at your desk.
“Why am I doing this!” you scream in silent (or not so silent) agony.
Can you answer this question? If not, you need a list. Something you can post by your writing desk to keep you going or pull out when that celebrity podcaster wants to interview you. I promise you, it will make your life as a writer so much easier.
During a recent meeting with my critique group the why do we write question arose. We threw around some thoughts, all of us agreeing that it’s not for fame and money (though admitting that we harbor those secret thoughts). But I realized I didn’t have a good answer. After giving this some thought, I’ve come up with 5 REASONS WHY I WRITE
#1 I write to grow.
Once my teaching career ended, I had a difficult time adjusting to life “on the outside.” I began to journal each morning, recording my thoughts and feelings about my transition to the world of retirement.https://seamslikeastory.com/the-blank-page/ Journaling each morning continues to be therapy for me. As I jot down ideas or daily issues that arise, I learn more about myself as a person and as a writer. Author Jacqueline Woodson puts it this way ” I grow with each situation I put on the page.”
#2 I write to reach others
As I journaled about my transition into retirement, I wondered if there might be others who could relate to what I was experiencing. My thoughts became stories, my stories became a book and Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching , Retirement, and Life was launched out into the world. It’s thrilling to create stories that people can relate to, or write words that make people smile or think about things in a new way. “Your words touched me.” is the best review any author can receive.
“This is our goal as writers, I think; to help others have this sense of wonder, of seeing things anew, things that can catch us off guard, that break in on our small, bordered worlds. When this happens, everything feels more spacious.” -Ann Lamott
#3 I write to engage my mind and express my creativity.
I see myself as an artist painting words onto the page, experimenting with just the right colors and tones that will bring my stories to life. I play with ideas and strive to improve my craft as I work on a story, blog post, or book. Problem solving skills are employed when I get stuck with a character or plot or need to figure out the best way to query to an editor. In addition, authors these days need to keep current on the technology skills needed to write, edit, and submit pieces of work.
#4 I write to have something tangible.
Thoughts are fleeting and social media grabs our attention for moments then fades., yet when I put my thoughts onto paper or type them into the computer it gives me a sense of accomplishment. After spending a morning writing, I have something that I can see, even in its rough draft form. In its published form, the work may become a blog post or magazine article or book that I can hold on to.
#5 I write because of the community it creates around me.
Though writing itself is a solitary act, as a writer you need a community. I am fortunate to have found a local writing forum that meets twice a month. In addition, I have a close group of writing friends that has bonded together to form a critique group. Writing is hard. There are ups and downs, and problems and joys that only other writers can truly understand. These groups have helped me immensely and the friendships I have with my fellow writers have enriched my life beyond measure.

Why do YOU write?
So there’s my list, now it’s your turn. Give some thought to the reason or reasons you are a writer. Keep your answer ready for the next time someone asks “So, Why do you write?”
For more ideas, click this Literary Hub post about Why Writers Write
Subscribe to my Blog if you are interested in receiving upcoming posts on overcoming writer’s block, journaling, self-publishing, setting writing goals, searching for ideas,and other topics.
Hope to see you next time!

Threads of thought
Share a thought on why you write or why you might want to start.
How did you begin your writing journey?

Check out the book that started my writing journey http://amazon.com/author/debravandeventer
Thank you for giving your reasons for writing. Your posts are always inspiring, thought provoking, and usually funny.
Thanks, my writer friend!
Thank you Deb for your insights. Yes! Every writer asks themselves THE question. My reasons are very similar to yours. It is my way of discovery – the who and why of my existence. It is also the way I release my imagination to wander through the ‘what ifs’ of life.
I love the phrase “it is my way of discovery”
Love your listing 🙂 I write because my writing seems to understand and see with greater clarity than other bits of me. Sometimes it’s as if someone else is writing and explaining things to me.
This is a wonderful way to think of it. Thank you for sharing!