Pathways to Creativity

In my very first blog post, I showed this picture of my “studio” space I’d designed to support my creative life after retirement.
I’ll admit, I was a young, naïve Blogger(two months ago) eager to impress my audience. One reader suggested it was “too neat to be true.” I have a confession to make. It doesn’t always look like the photo. You see, my creative life has a split personality.
Different pathways to creativity
I contribute my dichotomy of styles to my parents, Jack and Alice.
Jack liked to have things tidy and organized. If he needed a pencil, sheet of paper, or pair of scissors he knew right where to find them in his organized desk. On the other hand, when Alice got an inspiration, it often took over our household in a flurry of activity leaving an unruly mess in its wake. Dad learned to take refuge in his office when this happened, only peeking out when order had been restored. Sometimes I’m Jack. I love it when I can go to my sewing pegboard and find my scissors just where they should be, or look at my pattern filing system and take pride that I’d put things back where they belonged. But sometimes, a burst of Alice takes over and I find myself following loose threads.
I recently had a “loose threads” morning. It went something like this:

My morning began where I spend most mornings. I’d just finished my journal (Morning Pages) and was on my third (fourth, fifth?) edit of my story about a swizzle stick. (Yes,….a swizzle stick) I often work with my laptop on the sofa where I make a little nest for myself.
Then my writing session began to unravel…
Loose threads interrupt my train of thought…

Loose thread….I should stage a photo of the swizzle stick to go with my story. I’ll go get a glass of iced tea and set it up for the picture.
Loose thread…I’ll need to clear off my sewing table so I have a nice white background for my swizzle stick picture. I’ll just put this sewing project on the floor.
Loose thread… I really should start working on those shamrock face masks to have them ready by St. Patrick’s day

Loose thread… Wait! I can’t finish the masks…the iron gave out last week. I should run by Target this afternoon and price new ones.
Loose thread….. That glass of iced tea I used in the photo looks good. Shouldn’t let it go to waste.
Loose thread…Iced tea in hand, back at the computer ...putting the finishing touches on my story.
It takes two
Admittedly, I can’t operate like this all the time or I’d never finish any sewing or writing projects. There is something to be said for order, organization, and focus. But I’m learning to trust those creative outbursts when they occur and run with it. Who knows? The iced tea photo I submitted along with my story might have been the dangling thread that caught the editor’s attention when she accepted my swizzle stick story for publication.

Threads of thought:
How do you work best?
Are you organized?
A combination (like me)?
As a woodworker when I see photos of other wood shops which are pristine,I am suspicious.
I’ve seen your wood shop. Its organized, but lots of evidence that its a working shop!
Love your trail of “thread” thought. Are we related?
Great minds think alike!