How Dare I

…wear wide-leg pants and a hat named Audrey

(Just like my new pants, this post is cropped, comfortable, and fun!)

Glam shot me with my Audrey hat . ( Emerson crop pant pattern by True/Bias, washable linen from JoAnn Fabrics)

I recently blogged about finding the courage to begin a new project or try something different. I was nervous about making a pair of gold linen, wide-leg pants. They’ll be too bold, too wide, too wrinkly I thought. I received a comment from a reader who wanted to see the pants when they were finished. (coincidently, this person has the same name as my sister) Here is the finished product. I’m still fiddling with the waistband, but overall I’m happy with the way they turned out. They’re comfortable and the wrinkles in the fabric don’t bother me. Besides, they’re roomy enough for slouching.

The real me slouching on a lounge chair.

Now if I just had somewhere fun to wear them!

Audrey the hat

P. S. Yes, I have a hat named Audrey. You may see her again sometime, but that seams like a story for another day!

Threads of thought icon

Threads of thought:

Take a chance!

Be bold!

Have fun!

Go for it!

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