…and I’m obsessed with school supplies!

It happened again. I’ve been retired from teaching for four years and I thought I was over it. But there I was, frozen in the “Back to School” aisle in Target. Dr. Seuss pencils, Welcome Back banners, calendars, pencil cups, plastic totes, color coordinated planners, notebooks, and file folders shouted “Pick me! Pick me!” Imagine the possibilities! My heart raced and my husband had to drag me away.
Happy New Year!
For those of us who have been teaching most of our lives, the New Year doesn’t start on January 1. It begins in August on the first day of school.

I always loved getting my room ready and set up for the new school year. I convinced myself that the right combination of room arrangement and color coordinated organizational gadgets would start the year off right. My energy level peaked in the weeks before school started as I moved tables and chairs around, set up the fish aquarium, and prepared eye catching bulletin boards. Like a marathon runner, I burst out of the starting gate with a well-organized room, eager to meet and greet my new class. Now my energy rush is building but it has nowhere to go.
Getting my “fix”
I begged my friend to let me come in and help her set up her room.
She let me put nametags on cubbies and coat hooks, organize her classroom library, and help hang a string of decorative lights to add just the right touch to the front of her room. I was in heaven. For a brief time, I was back in my element. I could still do this, I thought as I drove home. I could!
Reality hit as I pulled out of the parking lot and glanced at the school in my rearview mirror. I was reminded of a sign I saw at the hairdressers (of all places.)
Don’t look back, you’re not headed that way.
New Horizons

I will always honor my past as an educator, but I’m not going that way. I’m living life on my own terms, on my own timetable now, traveling and spending unhurried time with family and friends and exploring new horizons as a sewist and a writer.
Retirement suits me.
School-Supply Obsessed?

But still… crayons for fifty cents?!!!
Lord, keep me away from Target right now!

Threads of Thought
My heart goes out to teachers, administrators, students, and parents as they face what looks to be yet another challenging year. Be kind. Stay safe. Do amazing things against all odds. I know you will. You always do.
Read more about my school supply obsession and my transition to retirement in: Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life http://amazon.com/author/debravandeventer

I can totally relate to this!!
Many of us retired teachers have school-supply obsession!