Melanie’s ABCs
As a teacher, one of my favorite times of the school year was Read Across America Day, celebrated on March 2nd, the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Teachers love a good theme to get their creative juices flowing and with Dr. Seuss as our muse, we let our imaginations run wild! Reading and writing activities, dress up opportunities and, in recent years, classroom door decorating contests abound. All you have to do is search Pinterest for ideas.

My Star-Belly Sneetch costume retired when I did four years ago. No more Dr. Seuss fun for me, I thought. Then my daughter called.
My granddaughter’s ABA (applied behavioral analysis) center was having a Dr. Seuss door decorating contest. Melanie was given the theme of Dr. Seuss’ ABC book and she could decorate a door in her home to win a contest. “Do you have any ideas, Mom?” Kelli asked. Of course I did!
You have met Melanie in several of my blog posts. She is a bright, energetic girl who loves Disney Princesses. Melanie has autism and is mostly nonverbal. She attends school virtually and works with Elizabeth, an RBT (registered behavior technician) from the ABA center who comes to her home each day.

“I just need a visual.” Kelli said. I found a copy of the book cover online, made up some alphabet pages and Kelli, Melanie, and Elizabeth took it from there. They used photographs of Melanie along with alphabet pictures Melanie worked on to complete the project.

The Dr. Seuss Door Takes Shape

The door looks amazing and Melanie loved the finished product!
This year, I got to celebrate Dr. Seuss after all! I was happy to have had a small part in Melanie’s special project. Let me know if you ever need a Star-Belly Sneetch.

Threads of Thought
I was thrilled Melanie was able to participate in such a fun, nationwide activity. Though she isn’t in the typical educational setting, her parents and team of professionals find ways for her to interract with and contribute to the world in meaningful ways.
What is your favorite Dr. Seuss Book?
Teachers/Retired teachers/Grandparents/parents : read more about my experiences in Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life
Looks like Melanie had a wonderful time with her Dr. Seuss door. You may be retired, but you will always share and teach things you are passionate about.
Yes, this is true.