Cricut printed faces give your plants personality

Let’s face it…who wants boring houseplants, when you can create these adorable personalities? For this project, I had help from my creative daughter-in-law and imaginative granddaughter.
Inspiration Strikes

I began my Seams Like a Story blog eight months ago to explore my creative life and inspire others. I never know when inspiration will strike or where it will take me. Sometimes I write, sometimes I sew. This time my inspiration came from a trip to the local thrift shop where I found these colorful pots.
Browsing through Pinterest, my idea began to take shape. There are lots of ideas out there:
Cricut Printed Faces

DIL Becca designed and cut the faces on her Cricut machine then printed them off on permanent vinyl. Granddaughter Lillian decided which face should go with each pot.
Becca and Lillian worked carefully to peel off the backing and attach the faces to the pots.

Getting Our Hands Dirty

Next, we potted baby succulent plants into each pot. Since the pots didn’t have drainage holes, we purchased special potting soil that was formulated for succulents. We used four different varieties of plants. Lillian had fun deciding which “hair” went with each face.

Too Cute!

Our potted plants turned out so cute! Lillian thought the orange one with glasses and spikey hair looked like Grandma, and of course the perky pink one with the fancy hair fit her personality perfectly!
These would make great gifts, but I’m keeping them for now. Their smiles remind me of the fun we had together!
One month later…..

Whoa Lillian! Your “hair” is really growing!

Threads of Thought
If you don’t want to “face” your planter, here are some cute sayings I found:
You Grow Girl
I will survive
Let it Grow
Not Dead…yet
You had me at Aloe
(Pick one or make up your own! )
If you don’t have access to a Cricut machine, you could paint your designs and words on.
Those are sooooo cute!!!
I think so too! And so fun to make!