Me-Made May

Celebrate Your handmade Wardrobe

(This post has been updated from it’s original posting date to include additional information)

Did you know that May is a month to celebrate sewing? Me-Made May was launched in 2010 on the blog So Zo, What Do You Know? and has been gathering attention every year since.

It began as a personal sewing challenge encouraging makers and sewists to set aside the month of May to get creative by styling and wearing their handmade garments instead of making or buying more. Over the years, it has grown into many things for many people.

Many will post photos of their creations on instagram #memademay, but it’s really is an individual challenge. Each person is encouraged to set their own intentions for the month.

Here are my goals for Me-Made May

Celebrate My Mother

Mom taught me how to sew. I have fond memories of going to the fabric store with her to choose a patterns and fabric for the summer 4-H sewing project. She taught me patience as mistakes were made and seams had to be ripped out or zippers redone. This month I will think of her sense of style and color, and her love as I wear my hand-sewn clothing. With Mother’s day coming up…it’s even more meaningful.

Wear Handsewn clothes during Me- Made May

Most of my Me-Mades are summer-weight clothes so its a good thing the weather here is nice and warm. My goal is to wear something hand-sewn each day in May. There will be some repeats, but it will be fun the come up with creative combinations that I hadn’t thought of before.

Create a summer capsule wardrobe during Me-Made May

I want to go through my closet to see if I can create a summer “capsule wardrobe” (a limited selection of interchangeable clothing pieces that complement each other)  using I what I already have. By doing this, I hope to be able to refrain from making impulse buys on clothing or fabric.

UPDATE: This goal was completed! Check out my 15 piece sumer capsule wardrobe featuring Me-made pieces.

Add one new garment to my colletion this year

This year, I wanted to add at least one garment to my me-made collection. I’ve been looking for a causual summer dress that would be easy to pack–a cool and comfortable alternative to shorts or capris. This is “Very Easy Vogue” pattern was a good learning experience for me. With this project, I learned how to sew princess seams and some of the ins and outs of sewing with knits. (I still have a lot to learn about binding the neck edge…took me several tries and still puckery…but oh well…)

Me-Made May garment
Vogue pattern V9199
A new addition to Me-Made May Vogue pattern V9199 in goldenrod knit fabric

I’m one week into my personal Me-Made May challenge and so far it’s been fun. I’m suprised at what I can come up with using the peices I already have and it doesn’t cost a thing! Whether you sew or not, check out your closest. You might be surprised to see you have more to work with than you thought!

Threads of thought icon

Threads of Thought

from Meg McElwee at Sew Liberated:

“Many of us come to sewing and making to escape the wasteful, unsustainable cycle of fast fashion. Not only does fast fashion make us feel bad about ourselves and our bodies in order to sell us more clothes, but it also has a deeply destructive carbon footprint. Breaking free from that by slowing things down and making them with our own hands is a small step we can take.”

Read more about Debra’s sewing, teaching, and retirement adventures in Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life

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