Painted Rocks Tell the Story

The first one appeared two weeks ago when Ed and I were hiking at Catalina State Park. “Never Give UP!” This small, black rock was perched on the top of a boulder encouraging us as we climbed the steep hill on the nature trail. We left it for other hikers who might need motivation.

A few days later, this one appeared on the sidewalk in front of our house. “Hey, You matter.” The rocks were definitely talking to me. It seams like a story and for some expert help I called on my friend David to be my guest blogger this week. David R. Davis the author of two books, and writes a blog. Here’s what he has to say about his rock painting hobby.
In David’s Words:
The logical first question is – Why? For me, it’s a simple three-part answer. It’s fun. It is another way of creating something tangible, and its great fun to leave them on trails or at parks hoping someone may find and enjoy them.

I lay no claim to being an artist. Like any hobby, there are people who enjoy being an amateur and have no desire to be more skilled. There are also rock painters that are artists of great skill. On a scale of 1 to 10, on many days I’m a 2 and on good days, maybe I get to a 3 or 4.

Once a rock is cleaned and dried, I either paint the image directly onto the rock or paint a base color to paint the image over. I use acrylic paints and then when completed, and the paint has dried; I spray a coat of clear gloss sealer or glaze so that the paint will not wash off.

During many walks in parks or on frequently used hiking trails, I have found some wonderful painted rocks. I often leave them, but I think many people (myself included) hope someone will take them and enjoy them. There is something satisfying in knowing that someone might come upon one of my rocks and that it might bring a smile to their face. If they keep it, I’m just that much more satisfied.

There are Facebook groups dedicated to painted rocks. I know of at least two in Arizona. Check them out, you will see some impressive skill being used. Keep your eyes open and I’ll just bet you too will soon find a nice souvenir laying on the ground or in the branches of a tree. Happy hunting, and happy painting.
Thanks David! I’ll end with a quote from Elizabeth Gilbert:
“There’s a quiet glory in merely making things and then sharing those things with an open heart and no expectations.”
Rock painters do this. Writers do this.

Threads of Thought
Have you ever painted a rock and left it for someone to find? Have you ever found a painted rock? Where did you find it?
Rock on and check out my book Out of the Crayon Box at:
Might be time for Debbie to start painting some rocks?
Maybe…then my blog could be called “seams and rocks like a story” Ha!
Love your rock painting blog.
Thanks! It was fun!